03 May, 2011

Oat porridge with pineapple, almonds and coconut

They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Personally, I'm not too sure about that - I love all my meals equally and couldn't possibly pick a favourite :) That being said, there definitely is nothing like a brilliant breakfast to brighten your morning! A classic for me is oat porridge, which was always a favourite in my childhood home. Back then it was always served topped with a spoonful of sugar, which I will still do if I'm in a rush or have nothing else available, but I'm now always looking for new and interesting ways to enjoy my porridge.

This morning I had a piece of leftover pineapple in my fridge. I always find fresh fruit works well in porridge, and it adds lovely sweetness which allows me to skip the sugar. In my drawer I had dessicated coconut and almonds, which added additional sweetness and a bit of crunch. All together, it made a wonderful warming start to what would become yet another rainy day.

Oat porridge with pineapple, almonds and coconut:

1 dl rolled oats
2 dl water
2 slices of fresh pineapple (tinned would probably be fine)
10-15 almonds
A generous sprinkling of dessicated coconut

First, cut your pineapple into small cubes. I get rid of the hard bit in the middle. Next, combine your oats, water and pineapple in a bowl, and stick it in the microwave for two minutes. When it comes out, it has magically turned itself into porridge! If you don't have a microwave or prefer to be old-school, just combine it all in a sauce pan, put it on the hob and stir until you have porridge. I, however, prefer the microwabe, as it creates less washing up, and to the best of my knowledge it makes no difference taste-wise. Top your porridge with dessicated coconut and roughly chopped almonds.