I am a lover of all things quirky and curious, from funny phrases to peculiar people and amusing musings. I am part Danish and part Norwegian, and British by association. Born and raised in Denmark, I currently live in Copenhagen and could not possible love living anywhere else any more. I love to write and shall do so whenever I please here in the privacy of the world wide web. I also love to cook, and hopefully I will love writing about cooking, 'cause that's what I intend to do here.
The recipes posted on this blog will not necessarily be healthy, nor will they necessarily by very innovative, in fact they may not even be my own but are very likely to be inspired by dishes that I have seen cooked elsewhere or been lucky enough to have cooked for me. One thing they definitely will be though, is vegetarian.
This blog will consist of my tried and tested personal favourites - my very own slices of fried gold!