19 May, 2011

Home made chocolate spread and strawberry-rhubarb jam

A couple of weeks ago, I had some of my favourite people in the world round for brunch. I got up at 7 am to start baking my no-knead pot bread, and my guests arrived at 10. With the bread I served this home made jam and chocolate spread, which my sister and I had prepared the night before, much to the liking of my sugar-hungry guests!

Strawberry-rhubarb jam (makes a huge portion, I forze about 3/4):

500 grams fresh strawberries
500 grams fresh rhubarb

Cut the fruit into pieces. I don't like lumps of fruit in my jam, so I cut the pieces quite small. Combine fruit and sugar in a saucepan, and bring to a boil. There's no need to add any liquid, as the fruit gives off quite a lot of liquid as it heats up. I have to admit I'm not sure how much sugar we used, but it wasn't much. I would suggest starting with a few tablespoonfuls, and adding more to taste as you go along. Leave the jam to boil until it thickens, about 20-25 minutes, and stir every once in a while. Once the jam has reached your preferred consistency, skim the foam off the top and poor the jam into a sterilised jar. I haven't yet bothered finding out how to properly seal the jars, so I kept one portion in the fridge and ate it fast, and froze the rest for later.

Chocolate spread (made one portion):

100 grams dark chocolate (70%)
100 grams milk chocolate
200 ml double cream
50 grams salted butter

Break the chocolate into small pieces, and place it in a bowl. Cut the butter into small pieces and add to the chocolate. In a saucepan, bring the cream to a boil. Once it's boiling, pour it over the chocolate and butter, leave it for about five minutes, then stir with a whisk until reaches a smooth consistency. Pour it into a jar and leave it in the fridge to cool down.